1. SIP
A SIP is a self-guided inclusion assessment and planning tool for early childhood and child care services.
You can be reassured that with us ALL children are included, and differences are not ignored but respected BECAUSE that is the way we build feelings of trust,
safety, and wellbeing.
Our centres have successfully developed SIPs to ensure ALL children experience a sense of belonging. Our SIPs include short- and long-term strategies for
improving and embedding inclusive practice for the inclusion of ALL children with additional needs alongside their typically developing peers. You can access our
SIPs by contacting our service or simply visit us and we will provide you a copy of our current SIP.
Our services are proud to have developed a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) to strengthen relationships, respect, and opportunities in the classroom, around the
school and with the community. We have developed 14 Actions for reconciliation to show commitment in maintaining institutional integrity. We are committed to
teach and learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing and being to support the Framework’s five learning outcomes and ensure a maximum
standard of quality is achieved across all our services.
3. Our Inclusive Policies
Our Inclusive policies ensure that our centres are a safe place where ALL children and families can participate. All staff in our early learning service are aware of
policies that refer specifically to improving educational outcomes for ALL children.
Some of our inclusive policies are:
Family Law and Access Policy
Please contact our service for more information.
4. Physical Environment
All our services are accessible for children with physical and other sensory motor disability. We work closely with our local IP (Inclusion Professionals) and when
necessary, we borrow specialist equipment from the Specialist Equipment Library SEL to support the inclusion and participation of all children at our services.
Menu - Our Menus are developed in consultation with a Nutritionist and according to the Australian Dietary Guidelines and the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.
Long Day Care - We believe in providing a positive eating environment that reflects dietary requirements, cultural and family values, and promotes lifelong learning
for children, as we commit to implementing and embedding the healthy eating key messages outlined in the NSW Health’s Munch & Move program into our
curriculum and to support the National Healthy Eating Guidelines for Early Childhood Settings outlined in the Get Up & Grow resources. We partnered with Kids
Gourmet Foods to deliver fresh, nutritious and creative meals to your children. We provide breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and late night snacks.
We encourage and support breastfeeding and appropriate introduction of solid foods.
Hygienic Practices - All kitchens and food preparation areas comply with Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) and any relevant local jurisdictional
requirements. All staff involved in the stages of food handling have the skills and knowledge to ensure food safety is a priority.
Before and After school care – our Menu is developed in consultation with a Nutritionist. We have 2 weeks rotating menu that provide children with a wide variety
of healthy and nutritious foods for meals and snacks including fruit and vegetables, wholegrain cereal products, dairy products, and high protein alternatives.
We provide breakfast and afternoon team.
For Vacation care period, we provide breakfast, morning tea and afternoon tea. Families are responsible for packing children a lunch box for the day. We don’t
force children to eat nor we feed them, unless children need additional attention. We simple provide time for lunch breaks and kindly remind them to eat their
Educational Program – We aim to enhance children’s learning and development through the pedagogical practices of educators in a positive learning environment
through which the five learning outcomes from the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and My Time Our Place (MTOP) are supported and promoted. Our
developed Reconciliation Action Plans (RAP) and Strategic Inclusion Plans (SIP) programs provide a framework for our services to be inclusive in their work and
contribute to national reconciliation.
Long Day Care - Our curriculum is constructed based on the children’s interests, educators extending children’s interests, spontaneous experiences, and family
Alongside the desire to deliver the best possible outcome to every child, we have linked with the Little Scientists Australia professional development program to
become accredited Little Scientist House. The program is developed to provide children with opportunity to explore STEM with confidence and joy, as well as the
opportunity to explore the world in a nurturing and playful setting that boosts their natural eagerness to learn.
To nurture children’s physical and intellectual development we have engaged the Hey Dee Ho music program to come to our service on a weekly basis and engage
children in music and movement activities. Different educational themes are presented each week using props, puppets, costumes, and percussion instruments to
deliver a multi-sensory experience.
We organise regular outings to our local before and after school care services, local parks, shops, and libraries to invite children interact with the world around
them. Being out and about in their community helps children to learn about their immediate environment. They are also able to practice life skills such as road
Before and after school are –
Developing life skills and a sense of enjoyment are emphasised in our program. Our curriculum is constructed based on the children’s interests, educators extending
children’s interests, spontaneous experiences, and family contribution. We acknowledge the importance of play and leisure in children’s learning and development
and therefore we provide opportunities for rest and quite time and opportunities for large group games and activities.
Alongside the desire to deliver the best possible outcome to every child, we have linked with the Little Scientists Australia professional development program to
become accredited Little Scientist House. The program is developed to provide children with opportunity to explore STEM with confidence and joy, as well as the
opportunity to explore the world in a nurturing and playful setting that boosts their natural eagerness to learn.
We organise regular outings to our local services, local parks, shops to invite children interact with the world around them. Being out and about in their community helps
children to learn about their immediate environment. They are also able to practice life skills such as road safety.