Kirrawee Child Care Centres; On the construction mat, the children enjoyed engaging in collaborative group play. Forrest was enjoying building a police station out of wooden blocks and Shaneel was enjoying building a tower out of the wooden blocks. The children soon decided they wanted to play together sharing the wooden blocks. The children were able to negotiate on their own to build a police tower! Archie, Aiden and Cooper were also able to collaborate together when building with the magnetic shapes. The children started by building long train carrying small toy cars inside. The children started discussing measurements noting how long the train was and how it was nearly as big as them. The children decided to test their idea and build their train vertically to see whether it was as big as them or not. During this vertical building the children engaged with the concept of gravity as the taller the tower grew, the more it swayed, before eventually crashing to the floor. The children displayed great dedication and determination to building their towers. They were able to demonstrate their turn taking skills and ability to work in a team.
