Meal Options & Nutrition
Our Before and After School centres aim to provide a welcoming and healthy eating environment. Our menus are designed to complement the daily nutritional requirements of your child by providing a variety of nutritious meal and snack options. Our meal times are very social, whereby students are able to share their experiences and reflect upon their day. We strongly encourage good manners, dining etiquette and personal care and hygiene at all times.
Breakfast: Our Centres understand the importance of starting the day with a healthy meal. Research suggests that students who consume a nutritious meal before are usually able to concentrate for longer in the classroom. For breakfast we offer a choice of Weet-Bix, Rice Bubbles, milk, toast, butter, jam and Vegemite. We also welcome children to bring in any other healthy breakfast items of their choice.
Afternoon tea: After School Care provides a variety of nutritious afternoon snacks intended to give students a boost of energy after a long day of learning, however not spoil their evening meal. Our menu includes fresh fruit and vegetable platters, dips, cut sandwiches, cheese and biscuits and soup.