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Helpful Information (FAQ)

  • Do I have to pay fees on time?
    We ask fees to be paid 2 weeks in advance to ensure your child’s position is secure. In the event fee payments fall behind, please contact the centre to arrange payment, otherwise your child’s position may be withdrawn from the centre.
  • What is "allowable absence""
    The Government allows 42 absent days per child, per year in total, 12 of which are public holidays. Full fees are charged once these days are exceeded
  • Can the service act on my behalf with Centrelink?
    The Service is not allowed by law to act or speak on a family's behalf.
  • Can I put my unborn child on the waiting list?
    Yes, you can. Please contact the service to book a visit or simply ask for a waiting list link to be sent to you, to fill in the request.
  • What is the orientation process for new children and their families at Long Day Care?
    Once a position is offered you will be asked to fill out an enrolment form. The centre Director will organise an appointment time to go through the orientation checklist and finalise the forms. This is the best time to ask any questions. At time of appointment, bond & enrolment fee should be finalised. A specific orientation plan will be arranged at this time for your child. Some children are happy to jump straight in and stay the whole day. Others need a few shorter days to start with. This will be tailored to individual families. A few visits prior to starting is recommended.
  • What do I do if my child is sick?
    Please contact the centre via email to inform the Educators your child will be absent. If the child is absent for more than one day the family is required to submit a medical certificate from a recognised medical practitioner, stating clearly that the child is fit and healthy to return to the centre. If the child is unwell whilst at the service, parents or an emergency contact will be contacted to collect the child immediately. If the service has a total of three cases of infectious disease such as gastroenteritis, the Public Health Unit will be notified. Any person (child, employee, parent, caregiver, visitor or contractor) who is displaying symptoms such as: fever, coughing, sore throat, fatigue and shortness of breath, should be tested either by visiting a free COVID-19 respiratory clinic to arrange a test for COVID- 19 and Not attend our Service, under any circumstance, until they receive a negative test result. Please refer to our Incident, Illness and Injury policy and Covid Safe Management policy.
  • What do I do if my child will be away from the centre for a long period of time?
    During any absence fees are still payable. If you wish to keep the place, fees must be paid in advance during absence. Alternatively the family can give two weeks' notice to withdraw their child then re- apply when they return.
  • Does your centre provide a school readiness program?
    Yes. Our qualified Educators embed a high quality program throughout the daily routine to ensure children going to school the following year are exposed to the skills and concepts required before entering BIG SCHOOL.
  • How can I apply for the childcare benefit and childcare rebate?
    Simply contact Centrelink either in person, by phone or electronically to fill in a form. Please read the information leaflet in our Parent resource section for more information “Child Care Information for families, Tips for getting your child care payments right”
  • What do I do if I am running late to pick up my child?
    If your child is collected from the centre after 6.00pm, you will be charged a late fee of $20.00 for the first 5 minutes and $1.00 per minute after 6.05pm
  • Does my child have to be toilet trained to move to the older group?
    Being toilet trained is not a prerequisite to move into the older group.
  • How would you let me know what happens during my child’s day?
    We believe that sharing information makes learning more visible. For families to gain an insight about their child’s day we use a secure online platform called Playground (for long day care services) SeeSaw (for OSHC services) to record and communicate learning as it happens by sharing photos, video, audio, observations and routines. Families will receive daily notifications on their Playground App or Seesaw App and are welcomed to provide feedback where educators can use this as a tool to plan new ways to extend children’s unique interests and abilities. We strongly believe that the key to effective communication is in the relationship we build with families. A critical component of building and strengthening relationships is our educators being accessible. We make ourselves available to mingle and talk with families at the beginning and end of the session and discuss any questions, concerns or issues.
  • What’s the daily routine and activities? Is there plenty of varieties?
    Routines help us provide the consistency that is important for children to feel safe and secure. Our routines are implemented in a way that are flexible and responsive to both individual children and to the group. Long day care service routine consists of variety of indoor and outdoor play and leisure activities to meet each child’s needs. We provide breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and late snack for children. Sleep and leisure activities are usually planned after lunch; however they are adjusted to meet the needs of each child, especially babies. Toileting routines are designed to meet the needs of each individual child in addition to regular toileting and nappy times. Our educational program involves planning for all areas of children’s learning and development, including: Creative arts Social and emotional activities Language and literacy Physical activities S.T.E.M Library for older and younger children Music movement/munch $move Children’s explorations Dramatic play School Readiness program OSHC services routine We work in 2 sessions, morning session 7am to 9am and afternoon session 3pm to 6pm. We provide breakfast and afternoon tea. Our menus are developed in consultation with Nutritionist. Children are free to choose from a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities. Our educators ensure that planned experiences cater for children’s extracurricular recreational and social activities, as well as give them time to relax before and after the school day and during school holidays. Children are encouraged to participate in decision making about the experiences that are planned. While all areas of children’s development are catered for, there is often an emphasis on recreation, leisure and the further development of social and life skills. Special program called Senior Educational Program is tailored to meet the needs of year 5 and 6 children.
  • Are there opportunities for children to play outside and learn about the environment?
    Yes, there are plenty of opportunities for children to play outside and learn to understand and respect the natural environment. Sheltered space are provided for shade and protection from the weather. Each day we plan a minimum of 2 outdoors session where children can release energy, use loud voices, play vigorously, and engage in messy projects. In addition, children can experience the plants and animals in their local ecosystem. We regularly plan gardening experiences, we have a compost bin and a worm farm, a sand pit where children can engage in messy play, rock and mud kitchen etc. Please feel welcome to book a tour at one of our services.
  • How are the children’s interests included in the learning program?
    Each child's current knowledge, strengths, ideas, culture, abilities, and interests are the foundation of the program. It starts from the enrolment processes where collect information about the children cultural background, any specific requirement such health, or nutritional requirements we collect information about children’s strengths and interests and through close communication with families and school community we develop a program. Also, through daily observation and reflection of the children we collect information, and we review and critically reflect on the program and develop plans for further improvements.
Out of School Hours Care Centres:
Little League Baseball Game

Bonnet Bay


Teacher and Kids in Library

Oyster Bay


Decorating easter Eggs

St Catherine's

Gymea OSHC

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